Re: Unity redefines F10

On Sat, 30 Apr 2011, William Kimber wrote:

On Saturday 30 April 2011 04:32:42 Theodore Kilgore wrote:
On Fri, 29 Apr 2011, Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 03:52 -0400, Jabba Laci wrote:
Do you know how to get back F10 in Unity? I haven't found it yet.

Yes, that's a PITA, affect yourself with this bug to increase the

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev


While I fully agree that they should not do that, let me mention that I
faced the same problem a couple of years ago when I installed MC on a
Mac OS-10 system. The Mac already has F10 mapped to something like
"minimize window" or such. Also, for that matter, F9 already has a
specific meaning.

In such situations it is possible to do some kind of re-mapping. Try to
figure out which of Cntl-F10, Alt-F10, Shift-F10 or whatever do not
already have a designated meaning, and re-map the exit function to one
of those. How I did that at the moment escapes me, but it was not that
difficult, actually.

This is certainly not an ideal solution, but it can alleviate an
annoyance, at least to some extent.

Also, while one could hardly expect OS-10 to accommodate the key
conventions of MC, I do emphatically agree that a Linux distribution
really ought to. MC has a long and widespread usage pattern on Linux,
and distros ought simply to understand that there are going to be lots
of people who continue to want to use it no matter what kind of fancy
new desktop designs that they want to introduce.

One of  the reasons the don't bother about keeping the mc keys is that 
they do not put mc in the distro.  Why I have no idea as it is the first 
thing I have to add.

Well, AFAIR the same could be said about several distros, starting with 
Debian (which might account for mc being missing in the default Ubuntu 
install) and, I think, Red Hat as well. Why? I have no idea, either.

But if you do get into a jam about this on some new system and cannot 
otherwise get out, then as I rememember it is is indeed possible to re-map 
the F10 key's functionality to something else which is "close enough" to 
avoid acute discomfort. I forget now exactly how I did it, though. I think 
it had something to do with MC setup functions but at this point I cannot 
be sure. As my students in calculus courses say about things like basic 
trigonometry, "Sir, it has been a long time since I studied that."

Theodore Kilgore

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