Hi there, I helped man th booth at FOSDEM for much of the day on Saturday, and thought it went OK. The location for FOSDEM certainly left something to be desired, though that also applied for most of the others as well. I really don't think I'd have seen *any* of the booths if it weren't for wanting to find GNOME's on Saturday, though I also see why the put them out there - in the H-building it would have been *super* cramped!!

As for the booth itself, a more interactive booth would be cool, though I'm not sure how to accomplish that easily and without major expenses. Another idea might be to print up 'special' GNOME people who are manning the booth or otherwise participating in the conference. That way we'd all be easily identifiable for anyone looking for info at the conference. Or do something else different/special to make ourselves easily identifiable as gnomies (I never did figure out what was up with the kilts & debian, though it was entertaining and made them easy to pick out!!). The cloth GNOME 3 banner we had that was held up by tape on the window kept falling down and I've been trying to think of alternative ways to do it ever since.As I recall it had grommets so maybe we could throw a couple of suction cups w/ hooks on them in the box to stick to windows if that should occur again, or at least some stronger tape (duck/masking/etc).

Different stickers with at least the word GNOME, and preferably or GNOME Foundation or something on them are needed. I like the foot logo, but for anyone who doesn't already know what GNOME is, its just a funny looking sticker. More 'stuff' in general - both free & to sell would be good - what about different shirts, hats (winter hats with '' on the back and a foot logo on the front probably would have sold like mad, for example... I know *I* would have bought at least one just to wear there!!), etc. Also, even if we're not making much money off of some of these things, the cheaper we can sell them, the more we're likely *to* sell and thus get our name out there that much more, yk?

As for shipping it around, all of the stuff that was there could not have possibly fit in 'the' event box as it was, and the bigger the box becomes the more unwieldly it becomes as well, so I don't think a new bigger box is the answer. How is the box currently moved around? Are we paying for shipping or are people simply checking it on their flights back and forth to different places, and then hauling it around from there? Is it too large to be checked as typical baggage? If thats the case, why not look into a large suitcase or two that could be easily checked as baggage?


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:17 AM, Karen Sandler <karen gnome org> wrote:
On Wed, February 8, 2012 4:52 pm, Allan Day wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Tobias Mueller <muelli cryptobitch de>
> wrote:
>> Hey folks :)
>> On 06.02.2012 16:05, Allan Day wrote:
>>> Do we know if there is room in the box for those things?
>> We do. And it doesn't. At all. There has barely been enough space to fit
>> the nice nametags we had. That's for the v2 box (which should be called
>> v3 because of GNOME3 anyway ;-) ) but the v1 box didn't have significant
>> space left as I've last seen it in May.
>> Your suggestions are very good though. We should try to figure out how
>> to get things like more merchandise or roll up displays around the
>> world.
>> Some suggestions that need evaluation:
>> Simply have another box with the additional stuff.
>> But we'd need to find out:
>>        How much does such a box cost?
>>        Much much does shipping cost?
>>        And well, then we need an educated guess whether these costs
>>        are worth the expected promotional effect.
> If we want a better stand, we need more stuff for the stand, and that
> means we need more transport capacity. That means either another box
> or a bigger box. :)
> Is someone able to find out how much another box would cost to buy and
> transport? Do we know how many times a year the events box is used?
Is it practical to have two boxes per event? I thought it was already
something of a pain to store and transport the one? (though I'm of course
very excited by the idea of a better stand!)

I guess if we were able to, we could do it as a primary and secondary box
where we could use the secondary box if we had volunteers/resources to
move and use two? Is that what you were thinking?


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein

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