Re: push back on negative articles

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for reaching out!

We'd definitely like to take you up on your and talk to you. Maybe Karen or Sri would be the right person? (Karen, Sri?) Or Allan Day?


On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Bruce Byfield <bbyfield axion net> wrote:

Negative articles? Are you kidding?


Because I mention what many people in the community are saying? What some GNOME developers are saying?


If I didn't care what was happening in the free software community, I wouldn't have written the article in the first place. I would be doing a poor job as a journalist, and doing nothing for the community if I only reported on the happy things and ignored the problems.


That said, if anyone cares to engage in a responsible conversation about GNOME's current state and how the project is being received, you're welcome to get in touch. I can't guarantee publication of the result -- that is ultimately up to my editors -- but I would certainly be interested in writing an article that accurately reflects opposing views. I don't have to agree with a position to think that it's worth letting other people hear.



Bruce Byfield 604-421-7189 (on Pacific time)



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