Re: FoG pending Tasks


It's now published on and Let me know
if you need any further support.



2011/1/7 Og Maciel <ogmaciel gnome org>:
> Hey Lucas!
>> Sure. I just need a few more details to get the ruler ready to publish:
>> - Are showing a counter of subscribers as a progress bar?
> Yes
>> - How many subscribers do we currently have?
> Sadly, 13 is what I came up with since we launched. :/
>> - Target number of subscribers is 400, right?
>  Yes
>> Once it's ready, should I publish it straight away or should I wait
>> for something (press release, blog post, etc) on your side first?
> You can go ahead and publish it. We will follow up with blog more
> posts and social network messages, etc.
> Thank you so much for doing this Lucas! :)
> Cheers,
> --
> Og B. Maciel
> GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
> omaciel foresightlinux org
> ogmaciel gnome org
> GPG Keys: D5CFC202
> (en_US)
> (pt_BR)

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