A few pending items for FoG updates

Quick questions (sorry, I'm in the middle of a release at work):

* What is the status of the video campaign?
* Joey: how about the text for the magazine adds you were going to show us?
* Before the end of last year we had an IRC meeting and I was asked
about the objectives of our FoG campaign... I feel that we don't seem
to have a clear message as to what this campaign is for (do we have a
goal other than getting 400 new subscriptions?) and I would like to
know that before a battery of posts and social media messages.

Thanks in advance,
Og B. Maciel
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors

omaciel foresightlinux org
ogmaciel gnome org

GPG Keys: D5CFC202

http://www.ogmaciel.com (en_US)
http://blog.ogmaciel.com (pt_BR)

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