Re: Copy for Linux 92

Hi Joey,

On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 12:48 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi Joey,
> On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 18:11 +0200, Joey Ferwerda wrote:
> > I don't know,
> > 
> > 
> > I still think we should put emphasis on GNOME 3 since it starts to get
> > more attention at  the moment.
> > 
> > 
> > Like i said before, i like the ad (and indeed it was a little to
> > androidish, but maybe a penguin captures the concept better then a
> > cat :P), but i do not think it is the right one for right now.
> > 
> > 
> > If it is a decision from the community to use this ad though, you got
> > my support.
> It seems like we have a lot of support for the cat robot (#gnome-design
> and comments) so I think we should just go with it, time is
> short and I'd rather not come up with another iteration without strong
> copy & concept.

I just wanted to add that I think your original concept was fine and I'm
really happy that you stepped up and made this happen. I think the main
negative feedback we got on the design was that the screenshots didn't
fit the slogan and didn't effectively demonstrate the point you were
trying to make (which I think is a fine point to make.) I tried to find
some better screenshots but in the process found the other design and
felt it would be safer to go with that one (for more than one reason -
since it didn't have screenshots it was much easier to convert the
colors to CMYK and not worry about the screenshots coming out a weird

I hope to see more GNOME design work from you in the future, thank you
very much! This wouldn't have happened without your effort!


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