Re: GNOME Store Update?

On Sat, 2010-03-06 at 13:22 +0100, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> On 01/18/2010 04:41 PM, Paul Cutler wrote:
> > On 01/13/2010 04:52 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> >> * Add two more products so we get a nice 3x3 grid of gear (plus points
> >> if it's not t-shirts).
> >> * A nicer header.
> > As a follow up from the Marketing meeting last week, I've added the
> > request to the ArtRequest page on lgo[1] with more detail here[2].
> Done and fixed on
> The css is now a lot cleaner and the whole thing looks more ready.
> A bunch of the graphics is currently hosted on my own web server, so 
> that probably needs to be migrated before launch (hosting it on Zazzle 
> itself produced very evidently compressed jpg-images in the few cases 
> where it actually worked).
> Apart from that, I think we're ready to launch this together with 2.30!
> - Andreas


Thanks so much for doing this.

One small change - can you take down the GNOME Love t-shirt?  This is
the t-shirt those who donate to Friends of GNOME.



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