Re: Communication Plan Matrix

On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 21:56 -0600, Paul Cutler wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 22:15 +0000, Nelson Marques wrote:
> > Many apologies for this list, I've attached the wrong file.
> > 
> > Here is the right file and it's also on the reply I made for Diego, the
> > file I attached was a dummy sketch of an article I'm working.
> > 
> > Sorry.
> > 
> > nelson
> > 
> > On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 21:14 +0000, Nelson Marques wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > > 
> > >  Everyone should see the attachment included, despite of your role on
> > > this list as it covers everything related to GNOME.
> > >  With the upcoming GNOME 3.0 release, this is actually my first real
> > > contribution for this list, and I would suggest that we work this out,
> > > as this isn't a one man job.
> > > 
> > >  In attachment there's a normal marketing driven communication plan
> > > matrix. I've added some personal notes, so basically what we need to do
> > > is to fill it accordingly so it can be used as a tool to promote GNOME
> > > in a uniform way through all the GNOME related communcation channels.
> > > 
> > >  Everything should be fore casted here, I do understand that we don't
> > > have much statistical data to support, this is one of the reasons why
> > > I've been battling to get a normal survey platform we can use.
> > > 
> > >  I would appreciate that everyone on this list would comment and would
> > > be involved, because despite this is a normal communication plan used by
> > > most organizations (specially commercial/proprietary ones), it's the
> > > very basics for a successful marketing campaign.
> > > 
> > >   My question is, should we start preparing ourselfvs for a GNOME 3.0
> > > marketing oriented release ?
> > > 
> > >   Everyone from developers, to juridical people, marketing, artists, etc
> > > have one point or another that can contribute to perform this task.
> > > 
> > >   People running this list, I can't accomplish such thing by myself, now
> > > it should be time where we start our wicked plan for Desktop domination.
> > > 
> > >   Sorry for the wall of text.
> > > 
> > >   Nelson
> > > 
> > >  PS: This goes as a PDF with a format I've made, I don't know GNOME's
> > > position about this, this is just to serve as a Matrix, so if there are
> > > standards from GNOME related to formating and so on, please point me in
> > > the right way so I can start working on it and submit a workable
> > > version. Since this includes everyone, I feel the need to push a bit
> > > forth the documentation sharing system being discussed in the parallel
> > > on this list. 
> Hi Nelson,
> Thanks for putting this together.
> I'd also recommend you look through some of the Marketing Wiki pages[1].
> I also started something similar last year with a Marketing Brief that
> covers some similar topics.[2]  Additionally, we've been brainstorming
> possible marketing campaigns for GNOME 3.0[3], and at our recent
> hackfest this past September we landed on a theme, and I have a to-do
> from our meeting last month to work with the hackfest team and get it
> documented on the wiki (which I'm behind on).

Paul regarding branding issues and GNOME 3.0 I have something to present
to this list soon. For some quick background... The United Nations do
sponsor a lot of social responsible actions around sensible topics, a
couple of examples: The World day of non-smokers, The world day of
women, the world day of children.

In this perspective, this is one thing we can learn from. I'm presenting
soon to this list a full campaign about this topic. I'm going to unravel
it a bit now.

Endangered species. I am Portuguese as you know, and there's a national
pride around a special species, the Iberian Lynx, which is only present
in Portugal and Spain. There's less than 40 specimens worldwide
currently, and it's the rarest amongst the felines.

My campaign proposes the following:

# Sub-Naming GNOME 3.0 release with the name of an endangered species
(like GNOME 3.0 iLynx (Iberian Lynx)).
# Launching a campaign amongst the GNOME Artists to contribute with a
new theme based on Iberian Lynx to be present with GNOME 3.0.
# Promote GNOME official theming amongst artists (if you check, there's a lot of GTK themes, Metacity Themes and so
on. They do work, but most of them can't be installed through our
theming application because their format is not recognized), we should
promote our standards, so that users can use themes without running into
this. I would believe that everyone developing themes at GNOME would
like to see more artists contributing according to our formats. Our
users will love it, and new coming user won't run into situations which
might lead them to believe that a theme doesn't install because of
# Associate our brand with Organizations that promote Endangered Species
so we can get some more leverage power to future campaigns. There's no
revenue coming from such things, but there social responsability
beneficts that promote us and our sponsors.
# Get more media for our artist to work on themes, like wallpapers,
backgrounds and such released under GPL. Also promoting GPL here.
# Deliever more GNOME "official" eye-candy to our users, either people
want it or not, theming and eye do "sell" well for KDE.

Campaigns in this spec can help us out a lot and give us more projection
in the Universe. We can use NASA and Space Exploration for future
campaigns alongside with NASA, they have awesome media, some of them
released under GPL. There's a whole lot of possibilites. We can promote
freedom, sharing and a lot through normal themes and by being active we
can incentive more artists to join us. And this is a victory if we
accomplish such. Besides when contacting a company for support you can
that we promote Endangered Species through this means, technology, etc
etc. It's a winning factor, even for advertisement in GNOME Friends
program to reach great companies, because by supporting GNOME they are
also supporting the things we support without being directly involved,
they most likely will like to contribute so that GNOME continues on...

The paper itself... If you have work, please share. That's just a Matrix
that we need to fill in, cut the gramatical errors and semantics, and
have a final revision, so that in future we can use it for consult and
sharing with people when it's relevant. If we define our brand
guidelines there, whenever someone approches or we approach some company
to sell merchandising for us, we can present them our brand ideology and
ask them to comply with it.

Remember that if we do such campaign as the one from "endangered
species" we can have more projection also by allowing items related to
that campaign, promoting our artists, and helping people who sell
merchandise for us to sell more, see it as a "special editions" ;)

Buy a GNOME Mug Iberian Lynx for 15€, where we can take a bit for
Foundation and donate 1€ to an organization who supports it, and
eventually even promoting free software standards to share media about
it. I would recon that everyone would like this and that it will take
GNOME to sponsor itself as a social responsible brand.

This is one of the topics I want to present next saturday on the


> We're having a team meeting this Saturday at 16:00 UTC as well.
> Thanks.
> Paul
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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