Re: Communication Plan Matrix

Many apologies for this list, I've attached the wrong file.

Here is the right file and it's also on the reply I made for Diego, the
file I attached was a dummy sketch of an article I'm working.



On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 21:14 +0000, Nelson Marques wrote:
> Dear all,
>  Everyone should see the attachment included, despite of your role on
> this list as it covers everything related to GNOME.
>  With the upcoming GNOME 3.0 release, this is actually my first real
> contribution for this list, and I would suggest that we work this out,
> as this isn't a one man job.
>  In attachment there's a normal marketing driven communication plan
> matrix. I've added some personal notes, so basically what we need to do
> is to fill it accordingly so it can be used as a tool to promote GNOME
> in a uniform way through all the GNOME related communcation channels.
>  Everything should be fore casted here, I do understand that we don't
> have much statistical data to support, this is one of the reasons why
> I've been battling to get a normal survey platform we can use.
>  I would appreciate that everyone on this list would comment and would
> be involved, because despite this is a normal communication plan used by
> most organizations (specially commercial/proprietary ones), it's the
> very basics for a successful marketing campaign.
>   My question is, should we start preparing ourselfvs for a GNOME 3.0
> marketing oriented release ?
>   Everyone from developers, to juridical people, marketing, artists, etc
> have one point or another that can contribute to perform this task.
>   People running this list, I can't accomplish such thing by myself, now
> it should be time where we start our wicked plan for Desktop domination.
>   Sorry for the wall of text.
>   Nelson
>  PS: This goes as a PDF with a format I've made, I don't know GNOME's
> position about this, this is just to serve as a Matrix, so if there are
> standards from GNOME related to formating and so on, please point me in
> the right way so I can start working on it and submit a workable
> version. Since this includes everyone, I feel the need to push a bit
> forth the documentation sharing system being discussed in the parallel
> on this list. 

Attachment: Communication Plan Matrix.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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