Re: Marketing Materials in git


Am Dienstag, den 09.02.2010, 14:37 +0100 schrieb Dave Neary:
> Alfresco/Jahia/Nuxeo/KnowledgeTree, maybe?

I can recommend both Alfresco and KT, whereas Nuxeo also seemed OK when
I last checked it (been a while). The thing is, git is not really a
document management solution. Alfresco and KT offer powerful full-text
indexing for each word document/PDF you upload (using heuristics to find
*meaningful* keywords). Alfresco allows fine-grained ACLs, too whereas
KT allows easy customisation because of its widgets-on-a-dashboard
approach (layouting can all be done with a website so one could easily
create dossiers from existing documents).

Technically, Alfresco is likely to scale better (KT is implemented in
PHP IIRC). But I found KT to be more newcomer-friendly. Both are OK to
set up, though it might take a while if you have no Tomcat server


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