Re: Revamping Friends of GNOME: help with web page text

On 9/4/08, Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com> wrote:
>  Andreas:
>  I really like the photo of the one-laptop-per-child program and
>  the text.  I don't know how much room you have in the caption, but
>  it would be better to highlight the following:
>  - GNOME is free, which makes it the perfect desktop choice for
>   humanitarian efforts, such as the one-laptop-per-child program
>   which require an affordable desktop.

I confess I haven't read carefully every word in the text, but as I
read your email I thought that a nice thing to add would be something
  "Because GNOME is free, every contribution put into GNOME is
available to everyone"

Ok, not the best wording, but I got the idea from a quick flashback to
those IBM videos of "linux kid" where the narrator says "what he
learns we all learn, what he knows we all benefit from". I think it's
a nice idea we might want to take.


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