Re: The wgo CMS can't wait more

On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 21:42 +0200, Thilo Pfennig wrote:

> Agreed. I suggest using the GoodEnough pattern (

Yeah, but the problem is when you get more than one option good enough.
You need to evaluate then what is "more good enough".  

> I think the whole process to decide which CMS to use was too
> complicated (too many goals, too many requirements.

Well, yes, but Gergerly (and others) seemed to enjoy elaborating such
process. We are all volunteering here and we shouldn't stop anybody
doing more than enough, if she enjoys doing it. This works if there are
results on time. We haven't got them, then we need a plan B.

>  I know this was
> done with the best intentions, but I also see it this way: Drupal or
> Midgard-  one of them might even be better today - but is it tomorrow?

Then comes i.e. Ramon and says that Plone is the best and he volunteers
to do all the job, sowing you URLs of Plone installations he has made.
What do you tell him?

> So only real interesting question are:
>  * Does it a good enough job?  and:
>  * Does the development go in the right direction? Are errors fixed or
> are the implementing features soon that we might want to use

The answers for i.e. eZ would be also affirmative in both cases. 

> I think to look in future decisions sometimes it is better to act and
> trust in the spontaneous community feedback

The spontaneous community came up with these 5 candidates plus at least
3 more. 

Things shouldn't be complicated, but they are not simple either.

Quim Gil ///

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