Re: The wgo CMS can't wait more


On Wed, October 25, 2006 12:04 pm, Quim Gil wrote:
Greg had made a perfect plan we haven't followed. I'm going to be the
bad boy and suggest a non-perfect-at-all plan with the aim of getting to
a conclusion soon. Sorry, I think this is all we can do at this stage.

Understandable. The selection process has been stalling the whole autumn.

In light of this, let me answer the requirements you listed with how
Midgard CMS supports them.

- The only tough bone is the localization, a big bone though. It seems
that XML import/export is the bottom line to find a workflow compatible
with the i18n needs. The L10n features and performance of the CMS are

Midgard has a system called MultiLang which allows content to be stored
with multiple translation. A language has to be selected to be the default
language (lang0) on top of which the other translations are made.

Content import/export can be done in XML format (currently a custom format
but we're considering XLIFF as well).

- We have a look&feel approach we can test against: CMSs not able to
generate pages looking as we want can be discarded.

Midgard does not impose any limitations on the templates used, so this is
completely up to you guys being able to translate your look&feel wishes
into XHTML and CSS.

- An enjoyable learning curve, good documentation for admins and editors
and responsive support is also needed so new contributors can start
helping without learning an obscure bible.

The Midgard Documentation wiki
( and the IRC channel
(#midgard in freenode) are good places to start.

It has to be noted though that most active Midgard community members are
located in the European time zones.

- Proved security and a good upgrade policy. Unsecure and outdated CMSs
are a plague and we need to fight it.

Midgard should be on quite good grounds here.

- A robust user management with fine grained permissions and the
possibility to integrate users with other platforms is something to be
considered as well. Not essential now, but something for the future.

Midgard has comprehensive Access Control Lists support, and is able to do
authentication against external sources like PAM and Kerberos.

- Experienced contributors willing to install, custom and assist the
2.18 release, from now until the end in March.

I would like to offer the services of my company, Nemein for this on pro
bono basis.

We're currently doing a Midgard deployment also for the Maemo community:

Quim Gil ///


Henri Bergius
Consultant Partner, Nemein
henri bergius nemein com

Midgard CMS

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