Re: Create your own customised GNOME liveCD

On 7/25/05, Marcus Bauer <marcus bauer gmail com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 00:22 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> > >   1. download and unpack
> >
> > grabbing now. Mind if I commit the stuff to CVS once I've reviewed?
> Do as you like. It comes at the classical os license: you can do
> whatever pleases you but you are quite certainly out for catching a cold
> when using it :)
> However it still needs some serious work to make it modular, better
> customisable and fool-proof.

<nod> Hopefully I'll have time to play with it in the next few days
and then I'll see about checking it into CVS.

> > > I still think it would be cool for the next GNOME release to have a
> > > couple dozen localized liveCDs (naturally based on 2.12 and with install
> > > option).
> >
> > I'm still not excited by the install option, because I don't want to
> > do the support,
> Well, let other people do it :) - maybe
> You are the first marketing person I know who is afraid that people
> actually are going to use the marketed product... :^)

that's because I'm not really a marketing person ;) 
> > but otherwise, yes, I agree completely that we should
> > do a liveCD basically for each 90+% language that we have.
> Non french speaking GNOMERers have quite likely not heard of KLA which
> is a fully french localised liveCD based on Knoppix. And yet they got
> 50.000 copies of that out into the schools in Auvergne[1].
> Customisation and localisation really matter! And hey - GNOME is still
> the easier to use alternative.


> > Luis (hoping to push out a 2.11 liveCD at some point in the next few
> > days, we'll see)
> claims to already have done that and works as a drop in
> replacement for the hoary iso. You may have a look into that.

Grrr. and I... hrm. well, anyway. I'll just say that I'm
not thrilled that there is this duplication of effort, though at this
point some of it is my fault.


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