Re: [libxml++] Dependencies

On Mon, 2007-07-02 at 10:06 +0200, Trappel Martin wrote:
> x a day playing around trying to get everything together to
> make libxml++ and it's dependecies work on windows.
> I failed. I compiled libxml with VS2005

glibmm is available, with gtkmm, in binary form, without the need to
build from source:, here

(linked from here:

I guess that libxml is available in binary form somewhere. If not then
it should be, and that's the problem. But that has nothing to do with
glibmm. I believe that the GTK+ Windows installer includes libxml. And I
believe that the gtkmm Windows installer includes libxml++. Maybe you
could confirm this.

>  to make sure it uses the same
> runtime libraryies as our app.

If you have particular problems then I suggest you mention them. I don't
know what you are hinting at here.

>  I also tried to do this with libxml++ and
> it's dependencies and was not able to. My day to day work is getting
> stuff to run under Windows and M$VS so quite obviously my strengths do
> not lie with makefiles etc. 

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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