Re: [libxml++] Dependencies

On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 12:37 +0200, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:01:53 +0200 Trappel Martin <martin trappel ksengineers at> wrote:
> TM> It has been discussed in the past.
>  It has been discussed many many times...
> TM> There is a patch that will replace ustring with std::string but it is
> TM> not maintained
>  It is maintained in the sense that I still use it in all projects (still)
> using libxml2.
> TM> and there is no interest by the people working on libxml++ to reduce
> TM> the dependencies.
>  This is unfortunately very true and it's hard to do anything about it.
> Many people have asked about this both and off list but libxml++
> maintainers simply don't seem to hear this. I mean, I know that there is
> no work being done on libxml++ anyhow but just how hard can it be to apply
> a patch introducing a new off by default compilation option? But, again,
> libxml++ developers just don't seem to have any interest in making life of
> people developing under Windows easier -- and sometimes it seems quite the
> contrary.

This is silly. glibmm is easily available for Windows.

Furthermore, there is still no clean svn patch even in bugzilla.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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