Re: [libxml++] patch to allow building without glibmm

Simon Reye wrote:
I'm new here and I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this
discussion to continue but the dependence on glibmm is a pain in the
neck for those of us who want the latest and greatest libxml++ on
Windows.  If someone can prove me wrong, great.

This is open source project. Murray Cumming just told you that he will not change libxml++ 2.x branch. And that's it. If the maintainer of the project says no, the only thing you can do is one of these things:

1. Accept and move on.
2. Accept and create a new project based on libxml++ 2.x that uses std::string (fork) 3. Accept and create a new project based on libxml++ 1.x that incorporates all the changes and fixes from 2.x branch (fork v2) 4. Incorporate and maintain your own private version of libxml++ 2.x with the patches for std::string into your project(s).

I was presented with the same choice when I started to use libxml++. Because I did not want to depend on glibmm I choose libxml++ 1.04. Later some additional patches where needed so I decided to incorporate complete source of this patched version of libxml++ 1.04 in my project just to avoid problems on the linux side and not to be dependant on frequent version changes.

So far this approach works perfectly both on windows and linux. Of course this also means that you should do static link with your version of libxml++.


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