Re: [libxml++] 2.8.0 needed

>>Yes, and all those other options involve providing the source code to
>>people who have received the object code.
> Which can be done by a proprietary software.

It's not really proprietary software if it supplies the source code. Of
course "proprietary" is an imprecise term - that's why there is a whole
license to state things in detail.

The reason why I keep saying "to people who have received the object
code", is to make it clear that in-house software can do this (and be
under the GPL or LGPL) without the company needing to give the source code
to anyone outside of the company. You might want to state that situation
in your clarification, but I don't think it's something that companies do

Anyway, I think it's going a bit far to encourage that kind of thing. If
you want to allow everything then you should use an MIT license. The LGPL
at least encourages people to work with us.

> So we seem to agree that using a shared library is not an obligation,
> but one of the way to respect the License. This make the assertion "they
> can not Link statically (instead of dynamically) to libxml++."
> incomplete, if not false.

Not if you assume that "proprietary" means "you don't provide the source
code to people who receive the object code". Maybe the word "proprietary"
should only be used in a phrase like "for instance, proprietary software".

> That's why I did not put it in the
> clarification on the website, since it would be more confusing than
> clarifying.
> I think leaving the website as it is right now is ok. Tell me if you
> don't.

Actually, I think the very selective clarifications suggest that
everything else is OK, but it's not a big deal, because the LGPL is fairly
well known anyway. I think that the clarification on the gtkmm site
actually tells people what they want to know

Our intent in licensing it in this way is to provide it for use through
shared libraries in all projects both open and proprietary.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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