Some of your problems, I don't understand. 1., No such file or directory. These files are included in the libsigc++ 2.99.1 tarball. Haven't you expanded all files from the tarball? 2. file not exist: c1xx Who needs this file? I can't find a reference to it from any other file. Is it a file that MSVC requires? 3. constexpr It's known that MSVC 2013 can't build libsigc++ 2.99. See bug report Do you need some feature in 2.99? If you can use libsigc++ 2.8 or 2.9 instead, do that. It's not certain that 2.99 (and the coming 3.0) will be adapted to MSVC 2013. Kjell Den 2016-04-16 kl. 11:32, skrev