Dear Kjell:I copy the file: msvc_recommended_pragmas.h to the lib path,I build it again,still fail... see attach pictures.thank you pay attention to my questions.
----from sssky307
MSVC complains that it does not find msvc_recommended_pragmas.h. I found a reference to that file in MSVC_Net2013/sigc-build-defines.props. I don't use MSVC myself. I don't know if msvc_recommended_pragmas.h is necessary, or if you can just tell MSVC that you don't want it included in your code. I also found that it's part of glib. You can find it at
It's unfortunate that libsigc++ uses a file from glib, when it's built by MSVC. libsigc++ does not otherwise depend on glib.
Den 2016-04-15 kl. 09:57, skrev krishnaLee:
Dear Kjell:I download the new source as you say---> I still can't build it successfully,I just open"libsigc++-2.99.1\MSVC_Net2013\libsigc++2.sln" to build by msvc2013,see attach picture.
谢谢(thanks)----from sssky307
At 2016-04-13 18:48:42, "Kjell Ahlstedt" <kjell ahlstedt bredband net> wrote:
I recommend that you build from a tarball at instead of downloading from the git repository. libsigc++-2.8.0.tar.xz at is a good choice. There are newer versions at libsigc++/2.9 and libsigc++/2.99 but they are unstable versions.
Den 2016-04-05 kl. 16:11, skrev jian:
Dear friends:I download the source from,then I use msvc2013 open the sln file to build it on windows 8.1 64 operation system,missing a lot of head files.I include the <sigc++/sigc++.h> files to construct a simple project from the lessons you provide on the site,but the "sigc::signal<void>..." can't be I wander if libsigc++ can use in my platform,or can you provide any detial-steps to build it on windows?
----//from sssky307
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