Re: Format of the conference

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 7:05 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
My proposal is to have half day talks, and half day sessions working with
things like xdg-app and so forth.

I like the idea. I really do. As someone who has a tendency to attend
conferences from their beginning to their end, this is something that
appeals to me.

However, I can see issues with this. If you take a conference like
GUADEC that has talks then BoF sessions, you'll have a significant
portion of the attendees who leave after the core days (because they
aren't involved enough to feell they can actually contribute something
to the BOF sessions, or because they can't afford to stay that long).
Even for conferences that are just two or three days  of talks, there
are people that come only for one day (because that's the only day
when there's something of interest to them, or because they have their
talk on that day and can't really afford to spend more than that at
that conference).

I feel that the kind of schedule you're proposing here makes things
more difficult for part of the attendees.

Alexandre Franke
GNOME Hacker & Foundation Director

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