Re: gmail plugin: display all contact data -- integrate patch?

2011-01-27 21:51:29 Stefan Otte <stefan otte gmail com>:
>Because Google's contacts offer much more than just email the gmail
>plugin should also create leafs like
>  PhoneContact(ContactLeaf) - for all home/fax/work phone numbers
>  SmailContact(ContactLeaf) - for work/home/other addresses
>  IMContact(ContactLeaf) - for IM contacts,
>or use the already existing ContactLeafs in obj/ By using
>the same 'name' the different contacts get grouped. Right?

Yes, name is enough. 

>Does this mean that get_contacts() in the gmail plugin should create
>different ContactLeafs (Phone*, IM*, etc) and return these to the

There is no problem. You can return any kind of objects. (As far as I
remember, result of "provides" method is ignored).

>Btw: I think a more appropriate name for GoogleContact would be
>GoogleEmailContact. GoogleContact rathe sounts like something that
>contains all the google contact data. So I'm suggesting a rename.

I agree.


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