Re: gmail plugin: display all contact data -- integrate patch?


2011-01-27 15:24:50 "Adi J. Sieker" <adi sieker info>:
>On 23/01/11 20:04, Karol Be;dkowski wrote:
>> So, if you replace GoogleContact(EmailContact) with
>> GoogleContact(Leaf) this brake whole grouping for contacts from
>> gmail (this leaves can't (shouldn't) be grouped).
>I did replace GoogleContact(EmailContact) with GoogleContact(Leaf).

As I said, drop EmailContact as a superclass for GoogleContact break
whole grouping for this leaves, so you shouldn't do this.

>What I now do is I use the EmailContact with the email and as the name
>Is pass the label from google i.e. 'Home email' or 'Work email'. This
>means I have around a 100 or so EmailContact instances which have the
>grouped_slots NAME set to 'Work email'.

For keeping email, this should work ok:


class GoogleContact(EmailContact):
	def __init__(self, email, name, image, email_type):
		EmailContact.__init__(self, email, name)
		self.image = image
		self.object[EMAIL_TYPE_KEY] = email

	def get_description(self):
		return '%s: %s' % (self.object[EMAIL_TYPE_KEY],

Of course, for grouping all leaves for particular contacts all leaves
should have the same "name".
Maybe type of email should be added directly to the EmailContact class.

> From your explanation I would expect to have a Leaf in my index
> called 'Work email' which I can navigate into have all the work
> emails of my contacts listed. This is not the case. If I activate
> kupfer and type work email I just get a the option to large type the
> text.

After this, you should have one leaf for each contact "name". When some
contact have two or more addresses, they will be visible as sub-leaves.

>> class ContactDetails (ContactLeaf):
>> [...]
>> And use this to keep additional information (yield this objects in
>> source). I check this for simple example and seems to work ok. Of
>> course this class may be extended or maybe there should be separate
>> class for phones, addresses etc.
>This is basically what I have been thinking of doing, wafter reading
>your mail.

I thinking about this and I almost sure, that we should have something
PhoneContact(ContactLeaf) - for all home/fax/work phone numbers
SmailContact(ContactLeaf) - for work/home/other addresses
IMContact(ContactLeaf) - for IM contacts, but for existing (Jabber,
Skype) you should use already created classes.


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