Re: gmail plugin: display all contact data -- integrate patch?

Hi Stefan,

On 14/01/11 17:16, Stefan Otte wrote:
Hey there,

I'm wondering if there are plans to merge adsworth changes into
kupfer. He extended the gmail plugin to display all contact data. See

This seems to me really useful. Quicksilver had such an feature (of
course using address book). Also QS allowed to show maps for a
contact. A very handy feature as well which should be easy to
integrate as well.

What do you think?

I guess this sort of died around September last year.
I mailed the list about my update to the plugin [1].
Ulrik had some concerns about the coding in general which I cleaned up.
He also had some concern about me not using the contacts grouping anymore since apparently I'm using the EmailContact incorrectly. The grouping is implemented by using something called slots, I can find references to that in the Kupfer code, but I have no idea what the grouping actually does in respect to the user experience. I posted a follow up asking for more information on the slots since I can't find any documentation on them anywhere. My mail mail must have gotten lost in a busy schedule. Then I got swamped with work and didn't follow it up anymore either. So the code is there I'm using it on a daily basis and it's working fine, but I'm still not sure as what the now missing contact grouping actually did.

To resume I'm still using the EmailContact for all the Email addresses. I'm just not populating them with the name and the email address. I'm populating them with the label such as work, home, etc. pp. and the email adress.

I'm still busy atm but I'd be glad to do some work on the plugin to get it checked in when I get time.

   Adi (adsworth)

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