Re: [jokosher-devel] Jokosher RC - Test the tarball!

Things that still need to be done:
* Make the Jokosher Ubuntu script download and unpack this tarball, so
people don't have to download Jokosher from SVN.
The script, at as
usual, now downloads this tarball (from, not Laszlo's
site) to use as Jokosher code. Please test that the latest revision of
the script works for you. Thanks to Laszlo for a couple of bugfixes to
the script.

* Write docs on how to download and install Jokosher.
I have drafted some docs at

Can you look at these docs and see if there's anything fundamental
missing. If there isn't, we'll publish them. Jeff: do you think that
this installation documentation should be on the main jokosher site on
the download page, or on

* Decided if we are releasing a DEB/RPM (or is it useless because we
require gstreamer CVS?) and get packaging people to be ready for the
final tarball tomorrow.
I think we shouldn't bother, tbh, because of the CVS requirement;
Jokosher doesn't even *start up* with the gst that's in distros
because we unilaterally require audiopanorama to be present and
unrecoverably explode without an error message if it isn't.


Your whole life flashed before your eyes? Cup of tea, cup of tea,
almost got shagged, cup of tea...
           -- Spike, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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