Hi Tommi and all, The work around suggested below to address the current Hildon issue of non-meaningful strings in code for translatable terms is to use the en_GB.po files made available through the Hildon project to deduce the intended meanings (in English) of the currently non-meaningful strings in code. Translation could then be done, theoretically, manually anyway ;) (without Launchpad/Rosetta). Couple questions: ---------How many of these en_GB po files are there (and are they complete)? ---------- Or put another way: how do I get the complete set of Hildon package translations for English/Great Britain? If I look in the module directories at http://live.gnome.org/Hildon/TwoPointZero/ModuleOverview, I get: * hildon-desktop has a po/ dir, but no en-GB.po file * hildon-1 has a po/ dir and an en_GB.po file * hildon-fm has a po/ dir and an en_GB.po file * hail has a po/ dir but no en_GB.po file. None of the other modules has a po/ dir. Is it therefore safe to assume no other Hildon modules expose strings that need translation? It appears that two of the en_GB.po files are missing, which seems odd (hildon-desktop, hail). Should these packages have en_GB.po files? ---------Suppose new strings are introduced? ---------- Suppose I modified the Hildon source and introduced new strings, how could translations be handled (until such changes were accepted upstream)? I presume I could create new po template(s) from source, then merge them with any existing translations (po files), and, since my new strings would use meaningful English, they could be translated. Sound doable? Cheers, Kyle On Feb 25, 2008, at 4:36 AM, Tommi Komulainen wrote: On Fri, 2008-02-22 at 11:59 -0500, ext Kyle Nitzsche wrote:Hi,It appears that Hildon does not use standard GNU gettext.The strings in code that are destined for exposure in the userinterface are not meaningful English, which I believe they should bein order to facilitate/enable translation. I know that's not helping much :-/ 1) Should Hildon be modified to implement GNU gettext i81n? |