hildon-desktop patches from Ubuntu Mobile and Moblin

Hi Guys,
As part of the Ubuntu Mobile project, we've recently merged with hildon-desktop 2.0.9 release. We've (Ubuntu and moblin.org developers) made some modifications to the source that we'd like to share with you for possible inclusion in the mainline, if appropriate. I've attached the relevant patch files and will describe them below (the full patch set is in bzr, see below). We'd be very interested to hear any feedback you have, including alternative ways of solving some of the problems we've addressed.

The Ubuntu Mobile branch of hildon-desktop is maintained in bzr, and can be found at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/hildon- desktop/ubuntu. The full patch set is included there in debian/ patches directory (we've used cdbs simple-patchsys).

Some of the changes are related to the fact that we are using home applets differently than Maemo and use a different desktop layout, including a marquee panel instead of the tradional Maemo desktop panels. In UME, there is only a single home applet (used as an application launcher), which is always full screen. So there is not a need for the home window titlebar, menubar, applet resizing or moving. Additionaly, there is a need to conditionally hide some of the desktop-panels when displaying the home applet. We've tried to conditionalize the code using gconf, so that typical Maemo behavior would not be impacted.

  * 03_gconf_related.patch:
    gconf schema and key defines for newly created gconf keys
    that are used by other patches to conditionalize certain behavior
    at runtime based on gconf values.

  * 04_container_visibility.patch:
    adds support to configure desktop-panels defined in desktop.conf
    with newly created X-Hide-On-Home setting which controls if the
    panel is hidden or shown when the home window is shown.

  * 05_hide_banner.patch:
    adds gconf support to enable/disable showing built-in hildon banner
    for app launching.

  * 06_type_changes_for_64bit.patch:
    changes to support building on 64 bit platforms.

  * 07_home_window_menu_visibility.patch:
    adds gconf support to enable/disable showing of home window menu.

  * 08_home_window_titlebar_visibility.patch:
adds gconf support to enable/disable showing of home applet titlebar.

  * 09_home_applet_resize_fix.patch:
    fixes to prevent home applet from being incorrectly resized.

  * 10_drag_event_fix.patch:
adds gconf support to allow propagation of drag events to home applet
    without having to click and hold for a certain period.

  * 12_statusbar_plugin_paint_fix.patch:
moblin.org patch (Horace Li) to fix statusbar icon repaint issues with non-hildon
    (i.e. system-tray) plugins

  * 15_libstartup_notification_crash_fix.patch:
    moblin.org fix (Rusty Lynch) for crash on libstartup notification

  * 20_ifdef_fix.patch:
    bug fix for incorrect #ifdef in hd-switcher-menu.c that was causing
    build breakage.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks


Attachment: 20_ifdef_fix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 15_libstartup_notification_crash_fix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 12_statusbar_plugin_paint_fix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 10_drag_event_fix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 09_home_applet_resize_fix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 08_home_window_titlebar_visibility.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 07_home_window_menu_visibility.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 06_type_changes_for_64bit.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 05_hide_banner.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 04_container_visibility.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 03_gconf_related.patch
Description: Binary data

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