[HIG] Meeting next Thursday 1900 GMT, new calendar

Hey folks!

Sorry to have more or less dropped off the planet as far as GNOME HIG stuff is concerned for the past few weeks. But after today's GUP meeting I'm feeling a bit better about where we are and what's going on.

The good news is that we're not horribly off schedule at the moment. In fact, Colin and Calum have committed at least preliminary versions of their content. Greg and I have not, but our content (terminology/glossary, and an intro and usability principles document respectively) is less critical than Colin and Calum's. (I'll try and have the UP doc committed within the next couple of days, actually). Our current schedule has a review period starting last week and going until next Friday, October 12, followed by a two-week period to actually integrate reviewer comments into the document.

I think we can fudge that a little and have reviewer contents come in after the 12th and still have a 0.5-level draft on the 26th. Does that seem reasonable, especially if Greg and I get our stuff in by, say, the middle of next week?

Anyway, we decided in today's GUP meeting that our next step should be to have a 1-2 hour IRC meeting to go through the existing content point-by-point and either agree or flag points of disagreement that should be resolved. After talking to Colin, for whom Wednesday doesn't work, I'd like to try and schedule this for next Thursday, 10/12, at 1900 GMT (aka 12PM PDT). Server irc.gnome.org, channel #hig . Does this work for all the authors and those reviewers who want to participate?

Seth has put a build system into CVS that will turn the SGML content into HTML for viewing. Seth, can we also get those pages posted somewhere so that those who don't want to deal with CVS can see the content to review? Can you post the URL when you have a chance?

Below is the remaining calendar for the HIG project. Let me know if you have comments/questions on it.


00:00 UTC Monday, 8 October (aka 5PM PDT on Sun. 10/7): draft content for remaining sections (intro, usability principles, terminology/glossary) has been committed to CVS so that other members of the HIG team can comment.

19:00 UTC Thursday, 11 October (aka 12PM PDT on Thurs. 10/11): HIG team online meeting on irc.gnome.org, channel #hig, to discuss content point-by-point. All authors and members of the primary review team should attend if possible.

00:00 UTC Friday, 19 October (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 10/18): primary reviewer comment period ends; all reviewer comments should be in by this point. HIG team incorporates comments into the content.

00:00 UTC Friday, 26 October (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 10/25): reviewer comments are incorporated into text, draft is published for further comment by wider GNOME Usability Project team.

00:00 UTC Friday, 16 November (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 11/15): primary reviewer comment period ends; all reviewer comments should be in by this point. HIG team incorporates comments into the content.

00:00 UTC Friday, 30 November (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 11/29): All comments are incorporated, "final" mini-guidelines for GNOME 2.0 are published.


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