Re: [HIG] Meeting next Thursday 1900 GMT, new calendar

I can attend the IRC meeting on Thursday. I'd love to not deal with CVS
to do my review (I don't have a CVS account and would rather just visit
a link) I'll look forward to instructions on where to go to do that!



>Hey folks!
>Sorry to have more or less dropped off the planet as far as GNOME HIG 
>stuff is concerned for the past few weeks.  But after today's GUP 
>meeting I'm feeling a bit better about where we are and what's going 
>The good news is that we're not horribly off schedule at the moment. 
>In fact, Colin and Calum have committed at least preliminary versions 
>of their content.  Greg and I have not, but our content 
>(terminology/glossary, and an intro and usability principles document 
>respectively) is less critical than Colin and Calum's.  (I'll try and 
>have the UP doc committed within the next couple of days, actually). 
>Our current schedule has a review period starting last week and going 
>until next Friday, October 12, followed by a two-week period to 
>actually integrate reviewer comments into the document.
>I think we can fudge that a little and have reviewer contents come in 
>after the 12th and still have a 0.5-level draft on the 26th.  Does 
>that seem reasonable, especially if Greg and I get our stuff in by, 
>say, the middle of next week?
>Anyway, we decided in today's GUP meeting that our next step should 
>be to have a 1-2 hour IRC meeting to go through the existing content 
>point-by-point and either agree or flag points of disagreement that 
>should be resolved.  After talking to Colin, for whom Wednesday 
>doesn't work, I'd like to try and schedule this for next Thursday, 
>10/12, at 1900 GMT (aka 12PM PDT).  Server, channel 
>#hig .  Does this work for all the authors and those reviewers who 
>want to participate?
>Seth has put a build system into CVS that will turn the SGML content 
>into HTML for viewing.  Seth, can we also get those pages posted 
>somewhere so that those who don't want to deal with CVS can see the 
>content to review?  Can you post the URL when you have a chance?
>Below is the remaining calendar for the HIG project.  Let me know if 
>you have comments/questions on it.
>00:00 UTC Monday, 8 October (aka 5PM PDT on Sun. 10/7): draft content 
>for remaining sections (intro, usability principles, 
>terminology/glossary) has been committed to CVS so that other members 
>of the HIG team can comment.
>19:00 UTC Thursday, 11 October (aka 12PM PDT on Thurs. 10/11): HIG 
>team online meeting on, channel #hig, to discuss 
>content point-by-point.  All authors and members of the primary 
>review team should attend if possible.
>00:00 UTC Friday, 19 October (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 10/18): primary 
>reviewer comment period ends; all reviewer comments should be in by 
>this point.  HIG team incorporates comments into the content.
>00:00 UTC Friday, 26 October (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 10/25): reviewer 
>comments are incorporated into text, draft is published for further 
>comment by wider GNOME Usability Project team.
>00:00 UTC Friday, 16 November (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 11/15): primary 
>reviewer comment period ends; all reviewer comments should be in by 
>this point.  HIG team incorporates comments into the content.
>00:00 UTC Friday, 30 November (aka 5PM PDT on Thurs. 11/29): All 
>comments are incorporated, "final" mini-guidelines for GNOME 2.0 are 
>Hig mailing list
>Hig gnome org

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