Re: gssdp usage for the ssdp request

Hi ,
Thanks you for the help , I could find sample under gssdp test folder .

But the sample always do msearch on for all kind of quires i.e in the code that example set ST to ST: ssdp:all\r\n

I went through the code if test-browser.c file , but I could not see any help to browse for the particular type .


On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Jussi Kukkonen <jussi kukkonen intel com> wrote:
On 30 December 2013 07:38, Indtiny S <indtiny gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently downloaded gupnp lib and now I need to first use gssdp feature of
> it , I have other system already it uses some other ssdp services on
> multicast ip and port . I need to use the gssdp to do the msearch and Notify
> to other SSDP service client n server ,. I could not get any example on how
> to the mserach using gssdp client , can you please help to some insight of
> it use the msearch and Notify of gssdp..?

gupnp and gssdp code repositories contain many examples (mostly in
tests/ and examples/ directories).

There is very little you need to do with gssdp API itself if you use
GUPnP, as GUPnP will take care of most of the details. So I suggest
you look at GUPnP examples first: E.g. light-server and light-client
in gupnp/examples/ should give you a simple but complete example of a
service and a control point: run them from the examples directory.


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