Re: [gugmasters] GUG Switzerland

Hi all.

Thanks for the hint. I am working for a big university where we got
magazines like that, too.

Besides that I have the idea to bring GNOME to the ppl besides letting
them join our meetings. To make that happen we want to give
presentations to LUGs, Students and other interested ppl.
You can access the GUG topics page Fred mentioned here:
If you have other topics ideas, please feel free to add them :)

Besides, there are a lot of slides available for you to use:

Another idea is to set up a booth (e.g. on Software Freedom Day) in a
Bookstore, presenting GNOME.
It's indeed a great idea. We hosted a GNOME booth @ GNOME.Asia Summit
2011 in Bangalore, it was very successful. You can loop some slides to
present what is GNOME and the benefits of using GNOME. Besides, we had
somebody to show a demo of the latest GNOME 3.0 and help people with
their installation. We also helped to copy image to those who brought
their USB keys.

We also have a plan to document how to set up a GNOME booth (in
progress), if you have other ideas, please share with us as well!
Nice to see such great activity in Asia. In Switzerland it's much harder 
to find a large number of ppl to take part in a GNOME (only) related 
event. E.g. at the Release Event there where just about 15 ppl attending.
As we are not planning to organize a FrOSCamp this year, there won't be 
a real big event in Switzerland at all.
This is when the idea came up to 'Bring GNOME to the people' by doing 
talks and presentations at other open source related meetings or in 
public areas like book stores.
E.g. yesterdays talk at the local Ubuntu Community Meeting was quite 
successful and hopefully some of the attendees will use GNOME instead of 
Unity in the future :)

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