Re: [guadec-local] [Party] Renting Rio Rio

On 9 July 2015 at 16:40, Mattias Bengtsson
<mattias jc bengtsson gmail com> wrote:
Sorry for top posting and not quoting (on my phone). I like the idea of
having the welcome party at rio-rio. 40:- per voucher seems fine but if we
should prioritise we should focus on food. While I enjoy beers, not everyone
do and they can buy for themselves.

I agree it'd be nicer to offer food. On the other hand, food costs 120
SEK / person, three times the price of a voucher for drinks. Happy to
see if we can afford that, but seems unlikely.

My suggestion for social events (based on the comments above) is:
Thu: Rio-Rio
Fri: Pic-nic
Sat: Pustervik (nice bar across the street, and we just go there)
Sun: Football

I'm not sold on a welcome event at Rio Rio on Thursday. A lot of
people arrive in Sweden on Thursday, some close to the end of the day.

In my experience, the welcome events are usually quieter and not so
well attended. I'd rather have that on Saturday, especially
considering we're putting money into it (even if we don't offer
anything, we still need to pay ~360 USD for the rent).

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