Let me reiterate: we're happy to to send the letter to anyone who asks for it. I have the letter drafted -- it's ready, and it can go out first thing in the morning. Just let me know who wants it.On Wednesday 29 of May 2013 12:04:56, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-05-29 at 13:36 +0200, Robert Kratky wrote:
> > Dne St 29. května 2013 13:28:18, Florian Nadge napsal(a):
> > > Hi Rui,
> > > My experience is that this so called letter does not help. The Czech
> > > embassy unusually asks to see the registration conformation. Sindhu had a
> > > very bad basically lost a lot of money because she assumed that she could
> > > travel when she could not. Maybe we could call this letter Confirmation of
> > > Participation or something along these lines and make clear that this is in
> > > no way a guarantee to get a visa.
> > >
> > > Robert,
> > > do you think this makes sense, can you send a letter of confirmation to
> > > help along the visa process?
> > >
> >
> > As I have said before, we have no problem with sending these letters.
> > I'm quite sure that the letters won't be of any real help in the
> > visa-application process (in my experience, the officials do not even
> > read such letters - instead, they want to verify that the applicant
> > has compelling reasons for returning back to their home country, such
> > as family, career, studies, etc.). That, however, is another matter
> > entirely, and I'm not the one to judge that.
> This can vary from people to people, even in the same embassy. Â Some are
> asked for more documents, some others are not asked for any document at
> all. Â Same with questions.
> I agree that the letter by themselves do not guarantee anything, it is
> nice to have just in case.
> If we do not send invitation letters, we are going to be blamed for
> rejections. If we send them, we are going to be blamed for rejections as
> well.
> However, in the last 6 years we have been requested more than 60
> letters. Â In less than 5 cases the visa had been rejected, something I
> can barely point the invitation letter as the cause.
> In any case, it is up to you and we will respect whatever you decide.
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