Re: [guadec-list] Visa section

On Wednesday 29 of May 2013 12:04:56, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:

On Wed, 2013-05-29 at 13:36 +0200, Robert Kratky wrote:
Dne St 29. května 2013 13:28:18, Florian Nadge napsal(a):
Hi Rui,
My experience is that this so called letter does not help. The Czech
embassy unusually asks to see the registration conformation. Sindhu had a
very bad basically lost a lot of money because she assumed that she could
travel when she could not. Maybe we could call this letter Confirmation of
Participation or something along these lines and make clear that this is in
no way a guarantee to get a visa.

do you think this makes sense, can you send a letter of confirmation to
help along the visa process?

As I have said before, we have no problem with sending these letters.
I'm quite sure that the letters won't be of any real help in the
visa-application process (in my experience, the officials do not even
read such letters - instead, they want to verify that the applicant
has compelling reasons for returning back to their home country, such
as family, career, studies, etc.). That, however, is another matter
entirely, and I'm not the one to judge that.
This can vary from people to people, even in the same embassy.  Some are
asked for more documents, some others are not asked for any document at
all.  Same with questions.

I agree that the letter by themselves do not guarantee anything, it is
nice to have just in case.

If we do not send invitation letters, we are going to be blamed for
rejections. If we send them, we are going to be blamed for rejections as

However, in the last 6 years we have been requested more than 60
letters.  In less than 5 cases the visa had been rejected, something I
can barely point the invitation letter as the cause.

In any case, it is up to you and we will respect whatever you decide.
Let me reiterate: we're happy to to send the letter to anyone who asks for it. I have the letter drafted -- 
it's ready, and it can go out first thing in the morning. Just let me know who wants it.


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