[guadec-list] T-shirts for volunteers

I need to make an order of t-shirts for volunteers by tomorrow. I don't
think we're able to come up with an exact number any time soon because
the list of volunteers is still not final and shifts are not yet set.
But based on our yesterday's discussion and the current list of
volunteers and after adding 30% reserve I've put together this order:

unisex cut:
S 0
M 15
L 28
XL 7

women's cut:
S 13
M 18
L 4
XL 4

Which should be 92 t-shirts in total. Considering we need about 25-30
volunteers as we calculated yesterday, it should be over 3 t-shirts per
volunteer. I guess someone will not show up, local organizers won't get
so many because they can wash theirs and we will need the full number of
volunteers only for the core days. So I think the number should be

Please let me know if it's OK. If it's not enough we may order more
later although I can't promise that.

FYI the vendor informed me that their supplier didn't have all ordered
women's sizes in hand and proposed a different t-shirt with slightly
different colour, we agreed.


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