Re: [guadec-list] regular irc meeting #guadec Wednesday, 10 July


this is just a reminder for Wednesday's irc meeting:

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

16:00 (UTC +2), #guadec

updates on the usual topics:

- registration
- film night
- budget
- volunteers
- open floor

The meeting was cancelled because I got disconnected for a while from
GIMPNet which I never noticed, and since both Florian and Rui couldn't
attend there was no one to speak about the "registration" and "film night".

Some of us had a chat about the budget on #guadec yesterday, so I guess
there isn't much to add there. I will update the local team members who
weren't there on the channel yesterday today.

Regarding volunteers, Florian now has the SIM card for the emergency
contact that has to be on the badges.

Sorry about that!


Life is like bein' on a mule team.  Unless you're the lead mule, all
the scenery looks about the same.

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