Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC 2012 Sponsor Perks


2011/11/22 Dave Neary <dneary gnome org>:
> In general, I think it's important to set the expectation that GUADEC
> attendance is not free, but that we will never turn anyone away for
> financial reasons. Perhaps a "suggested contribution" similar to voluntary
> (but heavily encouraged) entrance fees to museums would be appropriate?

2 things about this
* while I'm not opposed to paying an entrance fee, I've found the
recommended fee to be far too much for someone coming as a hobbyist.
When you add up travel and housing, being ask to pay 50 or 80 euros as
an entrance fee is far too much imo.
* what fosdem wrt the entrance fee seems to work well. Basically,
attendance is free, registration required to get the conference
schedule, but you are strongly encouraged to make a donation to
support the conference. Then if you give 25 euros (I'm making up
numbers) you get a tshirt, 50 euros gets you a free oreilly book (a
small one) and a lottery ticket, and I think there is something else
at 100 euros or so.


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