Re: [Fwd: Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC T-Shirts]

Selon Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>:
> > I guess it depends whether we want to fake the tags... currently they're
> > a genuine reflection of what people have been searching for on the
> > website.  The original feeling was to do no such manipulation, but I
> > guess this might be a valid exception...
> No, I think they are tags that people have used, not tags that people have
> searched for. I'm sure that lots of people are not using the tags at all,
> or asking for new tags to be added so they can use them.

Also, a11y or accessibility aren't in the list of tags at the moment (Quim, I
guess they weren't requested?)

People who have submitted a11y related content could tune up the keyword by
tagging their articles with the tag, once it's added.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France

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