[guadec-list] Printed Program - available & help-needed content

Here's another list about the availability of the materials & the parts we need help on:

- Sponsor's  List & ads
How should we contact them? Can I contact them directly for ads?

 - A short history of GUADEC & then a foreword for this GUADEC, describing what's new
Is anyone interested to write a nice foreword? Lucas Rocha, are you? Shaun McCance?

- A few words from the conference coordinator ( Brief forewords from the Generalitat, the Council of Vilanova, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the GNOME Foundation )
Where can we get this information from? English translation of their site?

- The schedule including: Warm up,  Core, After Hours, Sessions
Is it fixed? Can Behnam start working on graphical editions?

- Keynotes (Abstract, Biography and Interview )
- Bio of speakers
Is being worked on, we have sent them all emails & we just need to wait for them to fill out the needed information

- Summaries/abstracts of the talks
- Sudoku
is ready.

- Listing of attending maintainers (really necessary?)
- List of professional participants (really necessary?)
Can I have the list of all participants? & then I will sort out these lists.

- A brief and basic English - Catalan - Spanish - (other?)
If we decide to include this item, I can find pages of necessary English - Spanish words/sentences & then I'll need help for the Catalan part 

- Basic list of addresses and phone numbers -> the ones you might need ...
Where from can I get this information?

- A brief and basic English - Catalan - Spanish - (other?)
If we decide to include this item, I can find pages of necessary English - Spanish words/sentences & then I'll need help for the Catalan part 

- Relationships map
How can I get necessary information?

- Top bug fixer of the year, opener / patch submitter / committer / mailing list poster
dictionary for tourist hackers could be funny
Is there anyone willing to give us a hand here?

 - Horoscope
If this should be included, I will provide some material.

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