[guadec-list] List of approved sessions


I cleaned up the session selection page (removed our comments and
scores, split the sessions according to core accepted, rejected,
lightning talk, before and after, and made the page public:

There is an imbalance between the papers selected for some tracks and
the days - we will need to be liberal in re-organising and broaden the
meaning of "client" and "user".

For reference, here's what I understood by those categorisations:
 * Developer: Developer of the GNOME desktop or platform.
 * User: Anything which can impact the user experience - application
showcases, plans, usability, accessibility...
 * Client: People who spend money or make money on the GNOME products:
the desktop *and* the platform. Think vertical application writers,
third party developers, but also distributions, and people installing
GNOME on desktops, embedding it in tablets or installing it on low-res
laptops that come in lime green.

This is not a schedule, but hopefully someone else will have the time to
take on this task - I will try to find some time to do so this weekend,
but I can't promise anything.

Here's the general schedule I was thinking of:

(open to suggestions - especially about putting the second keynote
before the end of the day, and having the AGM during lunchtime sucks)


0900 Conference opening
1000 Session x 3
1100 Keynote

1200 Lunch

1400 Session x 3
1500 Session x 3
1600 Session x 3
1700 Keynote


0900 Session x 3
1000 Session x 3
1100 Keynote

1200 Lunch

1300 GNOME Foundation AGM
1400 Lightning talks
1500 Session x 3
1600 Session x 3
1700 Keynote


0900 Session x 3
1000 Session x 3
1100 Keynote

1200 Lunch

1400 Session x 3
1500 Session x 3
1600 Keynote
1700 Conference closing


Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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