Re: [guadec-list] Cheap accomodation


Am Mittwoch, den 15.02.2006, 02:42 +0100 schrieb Quim Gil:
> Keywan, can you provide more details about the installation you got in
> 2004? I mean, I guess there were also showers available and... what
> else? I need to describe this kind of installation to the Vilanova
> people as better as possible.

it was a building normally for classes. The tables and chairs moved to a
corner and everybody slept on the ground with his/her sleeping pad and
bag. IIRC there was no showers. But before the GUADEC started, we used a
gym from a school in another village. 

It's a very simple setting, I didn't know how the school/gyms in
Catalonia are, but the schools I know from here have nearly all a gym
and every gym I know has two (group) shower rooms. I had very good
experience with gyms as accommodation on different conferences, like the
Chemnitz Linux Days, Chaos Communication Congress or at least on the
GUADEC. Maybe a school or local government agree to give the gym for
free or only for cleaning costs, when you tell them, it's to get the
costs down for people who didn't have much money, but want visit the

Because the situation with free/very cheap accommodation in Stuttgart
was long time unclear, I wasn't sure to go to GUADEC last year and
didn't book anything or make exact plans. (IIRC Murray mailed me few
days before the GUADEC, that there is a gym and if I didn't unexpectedly
and spontaneous change of residence I would have gone to Stuttgard).



Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni
PGP Fingerprint: D5A1 A22E 3758 C9B4 57D2  3CAF EE52 1A78 C6A0 6934

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