Re: [guadec-list] IMPORTANT: GUADEC change of dates and location

Hi again, Jordi. :)

Sorry, this will be another long email.  :(

En/na Jordi Mas ha escrit:
> I just learnt about this Vilanova thing today. I have not been very good
> at following my mail lately, but that was the first news I got.

I'll try to explain why the Vilanova thing could happen without your
knowledge and the knowledge of the local community. It will take me some
extra lines but I think there are good lessons for future GUADEC
organisers here.

- 'The local community' widely supported the candidature back in last
winter/spring -

- From all these people and organisations few dozens subscribed to the
local coordination mailing list (that one we had at

- From all the subscribers just a few participated actively in the list
after the presentation of the candidature an its approval. I almost can
remember who was it: Carlos González, Andreu Ibáñez, Jordi Mas, Quim
Gil... who else?

- From all the subscribers... how many moved to guadec-list when at a
GNOME level it was decided to integrate the local community in this
official list? No idea. I always have thought that the fact of moving to
an English-based list would not help increase the local participation
because the percentage of possible local volunteers with a good level of
English (good enough to dicuss writing in an international mailing list)
is low. And whle being fluent in English is important to become a
perfect GUADEC volunteer, it is not a requirement to become a very
useful volunteer. Specially if you are focusing in the Local Workshops
or the GUADEC-ES, or if you are part of a team concentrated in local
tasks that has a coordinator dealing in English with the GUADEC
comittee. Anyway.

- From the active participants actually only Carlos, Jordi and me
followed actively and noticeably the day to day process during summer
and autumn.

- But Carlos was busy and basically trusted me dealing with the day to
day issues and the dialog with the GNOME Foundation. You were also busy
and at some point you told to Carlos and me that your involvement in
GUADEDC would be affected by <your reasons>.

- Myself was busy. I also had other projects and deadlines, and a need
to earn my salary. But I was the last visible local survivor in this
quest. On that time we were rying to hire that local coordinator, but
Carlos would not hire her until the situation with the IGC and the GNOME
Foundation was clear.

- This conjunction of factors made me think of converting the GUADEC
coordination in my part-time job for the following months. It was a hard
decision, a very interesting project but at the same tame the leave from
interactors. I took the job and I started again doing my best to bring
GUADEC at the best possible scenario.

- Could I had managed this crisis in conjunction with the local
community? Yes and no. Yes because, as you say, the local community has
the right to decide in such issues. No because, as I've explained, there
were not other representatives of the community in the private channels
where this issue was discussed. Now we can remember how many times I
asked the local people to be active in guadec-list. How many times I
asked for feedback and participation in the planning process held mainly
in this public list last summer. How many times I specifically asked
Jordi and Carlos whether they were already subscribed to guadec-planning
(back in july-august already). I would have asked the same to any
regular local contributor that would have appeared, but silent trust or
simply consenting silence was the answer most of the times.

I hope you understand there was a requirement of confidentiality in this
issue. GUADEC7 affects to the local community, yes, but the GUADEC is
owned primarly by the GNOME Foundation and rumours of crisis, need to
find new locations without having yet the alternatives, etc, would not
have helped the GUADEC's reputation, nor GNOME's. Only guadec-planning
and the board knew about the crisis while was happening. Other GNOME
teams and membershio could complain as well... IMHO these were the
appropriate channels to deal with a delicate situation like this. IMHO
the local team failed not being still a local team at that stage, three
months after the nomination of GUADEC7 BCN  And therefore failed not
being enough represented in the confidential channels that are part
intrinsecal of the GUADEC organisation.

I kept CCed Carlos because he was representing the main GUADEC
institutional supporter (the STSI). I only CCed you in some of the mails
because I thought a) you were subscribed to guadec-planning and even
when you were silent in this list the mails would fall somewhere in your
mailbox and b) I thought your silence was related to <your reasons>, as
you had warned. I didn't want to bother you, I was busy enough dealing
with GUADEC's crisis and changing my own job, I could have CCed you when
Carlos and me first talked about the Vilanova alternative around Nov
10th-15th... but you see the whole bunch of factors, coincidences and

Sorry about that. I have tried to do my best. I still think Vilanova is
the best alternative we could and currently can achieve. But I may be
wrong, so let's continue.

> What's the
> problem using the very large facilities that UPC also has in Barcelona
> city?

I'll call Carlos and I will come up with more information ASAP. I won't
close the door to yet another move back to Barcelona BUT we need to
consider that a) Vilanova and the STSI have already got conversations
and they have a planned meeting for Monday 12th (in working days is is
literally tomorrow, because you know that next week is something like
pre-Christmas holidays in Catalonia/Spain) and b) that the GUADEC vet
organisers and the GNOME Foundation board may think this local team is
anything but serious (I think we are serious, this is why I'm posting
this message openly in this list).

> IMHO, changing the location of the event and also changing the city also
> are really major decisions for any GUADEC that should be checked with
> the community.

As said, I fully agree on this. But "the community" also has a
responsibility on this. If the community wants to decide in key
organisational aspects like these in a crisis quick response time, it
needs to be prepared and organised for that and for following the
principles and procedures of the GNOME Foundaton, which at the very end
owns and is the main responsible of the GUADEC.

If only this meeting on Dec 12th would have happen on Sep 12th or Oct
12th or even Nov 12th... things would have been really different now. I
have my part the responsibility in this dely. I assume it and will learn
from it. The rest of people involved may take notes too.  :)

> Where ever is finally done, I'll going to help as much as I can.

Then please answer my email from the last week where I was asking for
the level of participation you want to assume.  :)  If it's going to be
regular and qualitative please subscribe d'una vegada  :)  :)  to

Other locals wanting to collaborate, please do start by being regular
contributors in this list. This is a free software related project and
has a typical free software development dynamic: you get to the team if
you participate in the team, you get to the core if you request it and
the core accepts you. You know the drill.

Abd now let me write some words in my well managed local language to
make sure the locals get my message as a want to explain it, with a
smile, a respect and a will to find the best solutions, and not as a
rant or something based on strong feelings:

Jordi and companyia, espero haver-me explicat. No em tanco en banda ni
pretenc abusar de la situació de poder decisori en la que poc a poc m'he
vist ficat. Sóc el primer que té ganes de treballar en equip, de forma
oberta, descentralitzada i transparent. Penso que he donat mostres de
voler treballar d'aquesta manera, molt més gratificant i segura que la
de maniobrar en la quasi-solitud dels darrers mesos. Tot i que anem tard
no és massa tard com per a no poder redreçar la situació. Però ja veieu
que això de la GUADEC no és cap joc ni cap xou, i si per les bones no
hem estat capaços d'organitzar-nos bé, el mínim que hauríem de saber
treure d'aquesta crisi és un primer esquema consolidat d'organització,
ni que hagi estat per les dolentes.

Una abraçada a tots, un agraïment pel marcatge i una disculpa als que
s'an afegit a aquesta història més recentment i ni tant sols va tenir
opció de participar mesos enrera. Seguim.

Quim Gil -

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