Re: Fwd: Re: What does the file extension ".hg" mean?

On Sun, 2013-06-30 at 12:15 +0100, John Emmas wrote:
On 29/06/2013 15:02, John Emmas wrote:

I just took a look at the MsysGit machine and you're right.!  'rm' / 
cp' / 'cmp' etc are all present on it.  So if I just switch my gtkmm 
development to that machine, hopefully this will "just work".  Many 

Great news - yes it does work!  I can successfully generate 'cc' and 'h' 
files from their corresponding 'ccg' and 'hg' counterparts. Just one 
tiny problem left to solve.  Let's take this as an example....  Assume 
that I park myself in 'gio/src'.  Here (slightly abbreviated for 
clarity) is the command I'd need to issue in order to build '' 
and 'action.h:-

         perl gmmproc -I ../../tools/m4 --defs . action . ../giomm

By replacing the word "action" with "actiongroup", I'd then build 
'' and 'actiongroup.h' etc, etc.

My question is this...  is there a way to build ALL the ccg and hg files 
in a given folder using just a single command?  I realise I can build 
everything by creating a big loop but I wondered if there's a more 
direct route.  I tried the obvious approach (wildcards):-

         perl gmmproc -I ../../tools/m4 --defs . * . ../giomm

         perl gmmproc -I ../../tools/m4 --defs . *.* . ../giomm

but that approach doesn't work.  Obviously, I don't mind making a big 
loop if that's the only way to do it but I just wondered if there's a 
simple way to build everything in one hit?  Some special parameter I can 
pass or something like that.  Thanks.

No, no easy option in gmmproc for that.  Probably using a bash for loop
would be easiest in your case.  As has already been pointed out, it
would be best to just use a tarball.  Building from git is best done
using jhbuild (which normally also builds the dependencies that precede


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