Re: What does the file extension ".hg" mean?

On 24/06/2013 06:58, Gavin Lambert wrote:

I know you want all of this to work straight out of git without requiring
extra tools.  But that's simply not how autotools or gmmproc projects work.
So unless you use the tarball instead, you'll just be fighting an uphill

Thanks Gavin, I do appreciate that Rome wasn't built in a day and libraries such as gtkmm are always "works in progress". However, when it comes to auto-generated sources, other libraries seem to be moving towards Perl, Python or (occasionally) their own, custom tools. All of these tend to be usable across a wider range of compilers, which is highly desirable IMHO.

The situation at my end is that I build the 'Mixbus' DAW from Harrison. Essentially, it's a fork of Paul Davis's 'Ardour' project. I work on the Windows build. Up until recently I did in fact build all the supporting libraries from tarballs - but keeping those libraries up-to-date (and in sync!) can become a monumental task. I'm trying to move towards Git (and similar) as a way of simplifying that process in the future. Up to now, it's working pretty well for us. I hope the gtkmm maintainers will recognise the value of what gtk (and other libraries) are doing by introducing modern alternatives for programmers who can't use the older, "non-evolving" technologies, such as M4. By all means, keep M4 for the programmers who want it or like it but flexibility is important too.


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