Re: What does the file extension ".hg" mean?

On 23/06/2013 15:21, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:

I suspect that it's more complicated than necessary, probably for historical reasons. The mixture of Perl, Python and M4 makes it difficult to maintain. Not many people are proficient in all three.

Interestingly enough, if I look in the glib/glibmm source branch, most of the '.cc' and '.h' files do seem to be present. It's just that a few of them seem to be a long way out of date (compared against the tarball for version 2.36.2, which I just downloaded). Conversely, in the gio/giomm branch, most of the source files weren't already present. I'm not sure what that indicates.

Would it cause any problems for the Git source tree to contain those (up-to-date) sources as a matter of course? For people building with autoconf / M4 etc I assume it wouldn't make any significant difference. But for people building without them, the auto-generated files would be intrinsically part of the Git project - so it would be a lot easier to keep in step with the ongoing development. Maybe it might not be possible to include every single file but if the majority of them could be included, that would be enormously helpful. Just a thought.


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