Re: gtkmm and C++0x


Am Dienstag, den 30.03.2010, 19:14 +0200 schrieb Fabien Parent:

> It would be great to see gtkmm start using some c++0x features. I
> think the best would be to keep compatibility with c++ 98 like boost
> did.
> We can find if the user is using c++98 or c++0x by looking if the
> macro __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ has been defined by the gcc's
> preprocessor.

There is a standard way to do that once the standard is out, which is to
check the numeric value of the __cplusplus macro.

However, I would really like to avoid a dual API and ABI if possible.
And right now I don't see any need to make API changes to suit C++0x.
It is not that intrusive, really. :-)


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