Re: Gtk::Window set_skip_taskbar_hint() is not working

Am Freitag, den 05.06.2009, 17:43 +0100 schrieb Filipe Apostolo:
> Daniel Elstner wrote:

> I use iconify() because it is the only manner that I found to minimize a
> window,and  because I thought that if I use Hide for the main
> window(which is the case) it wold actually close my application.  And
> the goal of using my system tray is that the Window be in system tray
> wille it is acquiring values from some sensors, if I do hide it maybe
> will stop doing that.

Gtk::Widget::hide() doesn't necessarily imply Gtk::Main::quit().  It
only does when you use Gtk::Main::run(window) because this overload of
run() connects to the given window's signal_hide() in order to call

If you call run() without a window argument, hide() won't quit().


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