Re: Gtk::Window set_skip_taskbar_hint() is not working

Daniel Elstner wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 05.06.2009, 16:27 +0100 schrieb Filipe Apostolo:
>> Although the window minimizes it still appears in the taskbar.
>> Am I using the wright function? If yes, what am I doing wrong or what is
>> missing in the code to work properly; If not which function should I call?
> a) It's probably way too late to call set_skip_taskbar_hint() at that
> point.  Try to call it right in the constructor.
But the point is to hide only when I want to minimize It to tray,
otherwise it should be on the taskbar.
> b) The window manager is free to ignore hints.  Many window managers
> only take a subset of hints into account, or make decisions based on
> other policies.  For instance, most WMs will give you a window that
> doesn't appear in the task bar if you use the Gtk::WINDOW_POPUP window
> type, but that will also remove the decorations around the window. :-)
> c) Just hide() the window and show it again when the status icon is
> activated.  Hm, as it happens, I'm doing the same thing here:
But if Hide the window my application will close, will it not?
> Actually, now that I think about it, iconify() kind of implies that
> something like an icon is left :-)  I think the skip-taskbar hint is
> meant to suppress the task bar item of mapped windows, not hidden ones.
I use iconify() because it is the only manner that I found to minimize a
window,and  because I thought that if I use Hide for the main
window(which is the case) it wold actually close my application.  And
the goal of using my system tray is that the Window be in system tray
wille it is acquiring values from some sensors, if I do hide it maybe
will stop doing that.
> Cheers,
> --Daniel


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