Re: Gtk::Window set_skip_taskbar_hint() is not working

Am Freitag, den 05.06.2009, 16:27 +0100 schrieb Filipe Apostolo:

> Although the window minimizes it still appears in the taskbar.
> Am I using the wright function? If yes, what am I doing wrong or what is
> missing in the code to work properly; If not which function should I call?

a) It's probably way too late to call set_skip_taskbar_hint() at that
point.  Try to call it right in the constructor.

b) The window manager is free to ignore hints.  Many window managers
only take a subset of hints into account, or make decisions based on
other policies.  For instance, most WMs will give you a window that
doesn't appear in the task bar if you use the Gtk::WINDOW_POPUP window
type, but that will also remove the decorations around the window. :-)

c) Just hide() the window and show it again when the status icon is
activated.  Hm, as it happens, I'm doing the same thing here:

Actually, now that I think about it, iconify() kind of implies that
something like an icon is left :-)  I think the skip-taskbar hint is
meant to suppress the task bar item of mapped windows, not hidden ones.


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