Re: tutorial for netbeans and code-blocks

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 15:57:18 +0200 Martin (OPENGeoMap) wrote:
Murray Cumming escribió:
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 18:47 +0200, Martin (OpenGeoMap) wrote:
Germán Diago escribió:
I read the netbeans tutorial and made a script to get the cflags from
gtkmm with the intention to
fill in the code assistance directories. It seems that with that
format does not work. I don't know if
I'm doing anything wrong. Could anyone tell me if there is a simpler
way than doing  every thing by
hand? Thanks in advance.

take care of the last space.


after path2 we need have nothing.

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand any part of these last two emails.
Maybe you meant to attach some script that we should look at.


Netbeans to codecompletion need you add the header files by hand. We have in netbeans a button to add header... This task every time to every header...
But we can add that headers like this:

Also, if you already have a project with a configure script (or a Makefile), a lot of this is done for you automatically in the import process (Using the "C/C++ Project from Existing Code" option when creating a "New Project").

José Alburquerque

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